HOT DEAL - 0,75 acre of natural land in the forests of Little Switzerland North Carolina > 60 % under comps - Seller Financing
Build your cabin in the nature

Little Switzerland – 0,75 acre natural land in North Carolina
We welcome you to a hidden gem in the Little Switzerland Community! Come enjoy wonderful Mountain Views, Rushing Creeks & Scenic Waterfalls. This remote mountain retreat is perfect for a private residence. This could be an outdoorsman's dream! Privacy with abundant wildlife, what more could you ask for? Contact us now to learn about our flexible payment options.
The parcel sits on the paved NC-226A Highway. Use these coordinates to find the property via Google maps: 35.843552, -82.097990. The lot is zoned for residential use which means you can construct a spacious Rustic Cabin or Build a Cozy Ranch. Electricity is within 1/4 of a mile. Buyer will have to set up a private well & septic system.
Buyer is responsible for verifying & working with the County to know what can & can't be done with the land & obtain the proper permits if needed. Buyer will also need to confirm the availability of any utilities needed or serviced on the property. Seller makes no warranties or representations about the land, its condition, or what can be built on the parcel.
You can purchase this land for $7,997
Experience a Great Weekend GetAway at Spruce Pine, a small town, that’s only 15 minutes from the parcel. As with other areas nearby, relish in the Amazing & Beautiful scenery within the town, that also has many interesting attributes. Plus Chimney Rock is less than an hour away & a must See when in the Asheville area! The rock, surrounding areas & numerous attractions offer Breathtaking views of nature.
These Lush, Wooded, Exclusive 0.75 acres offer a stunning replica of land in Switzerland. Additionally the cost of living & real estate prices in Marion are 11% & 43% lower than North Carolinas’ average. And the parcel is a short drive from the heart of Little Switzerland, 30 minutes to Marion & 1 hour from Asheville & 1.5 hours from Johnson City. Talk about being centrally located!
Purchasing property from us is quick & effortless. This property will be closed by a local title company & is guaranteed to be free of all liens and encumbrances. Buyer will receive title insurance & warranty deed. Message us here/call us today to get started.
Buy this land today for just $7,997 cash.
Property Details: Lot Type-Land, Sale Price $ 7,997, State-NC County-McDowell, Assessor's Parcel Number-078700169220, Property Address-0 NC-226A Lot# 0 Marion, NC 28752, Size-0.75 Acre(s), Road Access-Yes, Paved, Electricity-Within 1/4 mile, Well & Septic-Private
Market Value: Similar lots in the area are listed for $29,500
To buy this lot at this discounted price call/txt/email Frank @ 602-492-9803, Don't miss out on this great deal call/text us now! Note: We also may have other property at bargain prices just like this one available - ask us when you call!

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Property Address:Property Details
- Status: Available
- State: NC
- County: McDowell
- Parcel Number: 78700169220
- Size (In Acres): 0.75
- Road Access: Yes - Paved
Similar properties in the area are listed or have been recently sold for around $25,900.
Buy this property today for just $7,997! (You save $17,903)
To purchase this property today call No1 Land Holdings Inc. at 602-492-9803 now!